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HomeAbout the Youth Program

The purpose of the Youth Activities Program is to foster school aged youth interest in wireless communication technology, and encourage their future career in wireless. To pique the interest of youth, RCA's Youth Activities Program uses amateur radio as a vehicle to introduce wireless concepts.

A major event for the committee is to moderate and to sponsor the annual Dayton Youth Forum where RCA Young Achievers, age 18 and below, give presentations highlighting their technical abilities and enjoyment of radio.

The RCA Young Achiever is a youngster 18 and below who has demonstrated technical excellence and creativity in wireless communications. We are always interested in receiving nominations for these talented young people. Please contact Carole at to nominate someone as a Dayton HamVention presenter or as a student deserving the RCA Young Achiever award.

We are also always interested in supporting schools, scout groups, and museums that incorporate radio/technology in their programs.  Support can be in the form of books, equipment, or curriculum. Please contact Carole at for further information.

The Youth Activities members travel across the country to speak at radio conventions, to moderate Youth Forums, and to vet large organizations enlisting our help in motivating and supporting young hams and in introducing wireless technology to school curriculum.