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HomeDonate to RCA

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Radio Club of America.
Below you will find an overview of the many ways your donation can make a difference.

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Donate to RCA

Individual Sustaining Donations

You can make a difference in how quickly we progress with our many initiatives for young people, young wireless professionals and those in established careers.  We encourage any member who is impressed with the operations of the club to make a tax-deductible donation earmarked to sustaining operations.  Donations to support our day-to-day operations are critical to our future as an organization.

You can also select RCA as your full or partial beneficiary on an IRA, so funds are tax-free to RCA, or set up a monthly donation through a credit card or ACH withdrawal.

Individual or Corporate Endowments

An endowment is a donation of money or property to a non-profit organization, which uses the resulting investment income for a specific purpose.  Endowments are designed to keep the principal amount intact while using the investment income for the non-profit’s activities.  The RCA Scholarship Program is one example of endowed funds used for the specific purpose of providing monies to university students.  Contact our Executive Director Amy Beckham (email or Karen Clark (email for more information. 

Individual Legacy Giving

RCA Members may wish to consider including RCA in your estate planning.  Your legacy gift will not only provide a solid foundation of support, but it also makes a significant statement of your dedication and commitment to the wireless communications industry and ensures that your values live on beyond your lifetime.

For more information about Legacy Giving, please click HERE.

Corporate Sponsorships

Specific Events:  Networking is a key reason many of our members get involved and stay active with RCA.  Breakfasts, cocktail parties and other social events can be underwritten by sponsors who receive promotional considerations for their donations and heightened visibility to the membership.
3 Year Sustaining Corporate Sponsors:  There is a unique set of advantages to corporate sponsors who participate in our three-year program.  See our summary of benefits by level of sponsorship.

Youth Activities Program and Scholarships

Scholarships:  Donate to an existing scholarship fund or create your own and you’ll be supporting university students pursuing wireless communications as a career.  For more information click HERE.

Youth Activities:  The Youth Activities program brings the excitement of learning about amateur radio and vivid lessons in science, math and electronics to middle and high school children in this unique and innovative program sponsored by RCA.

Special Funds:

Some Special Funds have been created, usually in the name of a person or organization.  These funds honor the person or organization, and create a source of funding to keep the Radio Club of America operations going.  These funds include:

Tom Sorley Memorial Fund

Tom Sorley was an RCA member, well known in public safety circles, who passed away unexpectedly in 2018.

How to Sponsor/Donate:

Contact either our Administrative Director, Amy Beckham, or our Sponsorship Chair, Karen Clark, for more information on any of these opportunities. Amy can be reached on 612.405.2012 or Karen can be reached at

You can donate directly to the Radio Club of America through the PayPal Giving Fund. We appreciate these donations, as PayPal waives any processing fees for donations that are made through the fund portal. Donations made through the PayPal Giving Fund go directly to support vital Club operations. Click HERE to use PayPal Giving Fund.