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HomeYouth Program anecdotes

Many Members see RCA as contributing in a very important way with its Youth Program.  Here is what RCA Member and Fellow Tim Jones had to say:

“I have been a Motorola Two Way Radio Service Center for over 45 years.  One of our biggest problems is finding young people that want to get into the electronics service field.  [emphasis added]  So if I can help encourage the youth to get involved then I am all in.

There is just too much playing games with computers and not enough of getting to the meat of how they work and basic radio communications.

However as I try to look to tomorrow I see the people that know and deal with Communications and Electronics are going to be as valuable as our Doctors are today.  We have got to sell this because other nations are requiring it and I am so afraid that we will become dependent.”

Here is what a non-RCA member familiar with Carole Perry’s work said about preparing youth for the future