Sponsor Benefits
Level 1 - $7,500
Level 2 - $5,000
Level 3 - $2,500
Level 4 - $1,000
Level 5 - $500
Awards Banquet / Technical Symposium onsite signage
Awards Banquet / Technical Symposium registration for 4 people
Full page advertisement in RCA publications
Half page Advertisement in RCA publications
Quarter page advertisement in RCA publications

Logo in RCA publications
RCA ENews recognition
RCA ENews banner ad



RCA tradeshow signage recognition


RCA virtual event visual and verbal recognition

RCA website event page enhanced recognition


RCA website event page recognition

RCA website sponsor page recognition
Recognition on all RCA social media channels
RCA Technical Symposium registration for 2 people


Opportunity to provide promotional materials at Tech Symposium / Awards Banquet for attendees
