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HomeArmstrong Medal Recipients

The Armstrong Medal

In 1935, the Radio Club of America established a tradition of publicly recognizing outstanding achievements in the arts and sciences of radio and wireless communications. RCA’s first award was presented to Major Edward H. Armstrong for his invention of circuits that make AM and FM radio possible, and for Major Armstrong’s lifetime of championing work that established the foundation for modern radio technology. The award, now known as the Armstrong Medal, is only awarded when an individual has demonstrated excellence and made lasting contributions to radio arts and sciences.
2023 - Dr. Ajay Poddar 

2019 - Dr. Thomas Marzetta

2018 - Ted Rappaport

2017 - Dr. Eli Brookner

2016 –Morgan E. O’Brien

2014 –J. R. Cruz, Ph.D

2011 –Jerry Stover

2010– Donald C. Cox, Ph.D.

2007– Walter Cronkite

2007– John S. Belrose, Ph.D

2003– Morris Tischler

1992– Paul M. Gruber

1991– E. King Stodola

1988– Luther G. Schumpf

1987– William W. Eitel

1986– George H. Brown, Ph.D

1983– Edwin P. Felch

1981– Arthur V. Loughren

1980– Leonard R. Kahn

1978– Murray G. Crosby

1977– Arthur A. Collins

1976– Capt. William G. H. Finch

1975– Henri G. Busignies, D. Sc., Ph.D., D. Eng

1974– Lewis M. Hull

1972– Renville H. McMann, Jr.

1970 –Frank A. Gunther

1969– Francis H. Shepard, Jr.

1968– Jerry B. Minter

1967– John Bertrand Johnson

1965– Ernest V. Amy

1964– Harold A. Wheeler

1962– Paul Ware

1959– John H. Bose

1956– Melville Eastham

1953– Raymond A. Heising

1952– Capt. Henry J. Round

1950– Walker P. Inman

1950– Paul F. Godley

1950– Minton Cronkhite

1950– Maj. Edwin H. Armstrong

1950– John F. Grinan

1950– George E. Burghard

1950– Ernest V. Amy

1947– John V.L. Hogan

1946– Charles Stuart Ballatine

1945– Carman Randolph Runyon, Jr.

1941– Harry W. Houck

1940– Greenleaf Whittier Pickard

1938– Harold H. Beverage, D. Sc

1937– Louis Alan Hazeltine