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HomeSpecial Services Award Recipients

The Special Services Award Recipients

The Special Services Award was established in 1975 to recognize those RCA members who have performed significant work to advance the goals and objectives of the Radio Club of America
2023 - Ray Novak
2022 - Ellen O'Hara 

2020 - Ernie Blair

2019 - David Bart

2017 - Charles Kirmuss

2014 –World War II Veterans/RCA Members

2013 –Stan Reubenstein

2012 –Gordon V. West

2011 –Roger D. Madden

2010– Paulla A. Nelson-Shira

2009-Richard P. Biby, P.E.

2009-Carroll L. Hollingsworth

2006 –Richard J. Reichler

2004 –Debra Baker Wayne

2003 –Andrew A. Conte

2002 –Karen J. Clark

2001 –Loren R. McQueen

1999 –June Poppele

1998 –Maxine Carter-Lome

1997 –Stanley Reubenstein

1996 –Mercy S. Contreras

1995 –David E. Weisman, Esq

1993 –Raymond C. Trott, P.E

1992 –Joseph S. Rosenbloom, Esq

1991 –Maurice H. Zouary

1990 –Jay R. Huckabee

1989 –Eric D. Stoll, Ph.D., P.E.

1988 –Jerry S. Stover, P.E.

1987 –John W.Morrisey, P.E.

1986 –Mal Gurian

1982 –Connie M. Conte

1976 –David Talley

1975 –William H. Offenhauser, Jr.

1975 –Ernest V. Amy