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FCC to Study Receiver Performance (to reduce interference) – Finally!

FCC will begin to study receiver performance and its impact on efficient spectrum utilization, RCR Wireless article:

Finding Malaysian Airlines MH370 using an amateur radio network, 8 years later

WSPR amateur radio network might reveal location of MH 370 Malaysia Airlines crash site from March 2014  (shorter 19 min.)

5 G vs Aviation Altimeters

RTCA video: hour 11 minutes) minutes)

Also 20 Jan 2022 update: minutes)

The original 231 page RTCA white paper can be found here:

Opposing points of view from the CTIA (who want to use the 5G spectrum which they paid for in auctions):

Additionally there are many documents found on the Internet from various interested parties, and the temporary stays that the FCC has authorized.

Havana Syndrome

Possible Microwave Energy Attacks on U.S. Government Senior Personnel and families - 

CBS 60 Minutes Show on this February 20, 2022:

CBS 60 Minutes Show February 20. 2022 manuscript:

CBS "The “youngest Victims of Havana Syndrome"  February 20, 2022:

January 2022 NBC article:

Wikipedia entry: