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HomeMember Spotlight


Are you interested in being featured in our Member Spotlight? The Member Spotlight is a short feature on a current member, what they are doing, and what their wireless interests are. The member featured will be changed regularly.

If you would like to participate, please download this RCA Member Spotlight Form and return it to Amy Beckham at Please include your high resolution head shot (preferably 300x300), and a brief bio.


Robert Rydzewski

How long have you been in the wireless industry?

I'm a retired pharmaceutical researcher and writer with an interest in radio history  that began when I first read the late Alan Douglas's great trilogy Radio Manufacturers of the 1920s. I have an amateur radio license (KJ6SBR) and am a member of the Antique Wireless Association, the Society for the History of Technology, and the California Historical Radio Society, fellow and archivist for the latter, and webmaster for the Society of Wireless Pioneers website (

What are your specific interests or wireless areas of expertise?

I'm primarily interested in the early years of wireless communication, from the 1890s until about 1930. My articles on this period have appeared in several journals and I'm currently carrying out research for a book on the birth of wireless communication. I believe in in-depth research using primary sources, and focus on un- and under-appreciated figures in radio development including the role of women. I would be happy to connect with any members who share this type of interest.

How long have you been an RCA member?

Not long. I just joined!

What caused you to join RCA? 

Realizing the historical value of the Proceedings and Year Books and the collective technical and historical knowledge of the RCA membership.

Where do you live and work? 

In the San Francisco Bay area.

Are there areas of RCA that you would be interested in learning about? Is there a specific demographic in the wireless industry that you hope to network with? 

Complete access to RCA publications is nice, but more importantly I'd love to connect with other members interested in the early development of wireless communications who are willing to share their knowledge and insights.